연구 연혁 (Research History)

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2023.11 (사)스마트4차산업혁명협회와 제2회 스마트4차산업학술상 공동 운영 시상식(Jointly operated by the Smart 4th Industrial Revolution Association and the 2st Smart 4th Industrial Revolution Academic Awards)

2023.11 (사)스마트4차산업혁명협회와 제1회 스마트4차산업학술상 공동 운영 시상식(Jointly operated by the Smart 4th Industrial Revolution Association and the 1st Smart 4th Industrial Revolution Academic Awards)

2023.05 산업진흥연구(산업진흥 및 고산강현규)학술상 제정 시상식(Industry Promotion Research (Industry Promotion and Gosan Kang Hyeon-gyu) Academic Award Establishment Ceremony)

2023.02 제1회 학술연구우수논문상수상식(The 1st Academic Research Excellent Paper Award Ceremony)

2022.11 산업진흥연구지 연구재단 등재지 선정(Listed as Research Foundationmagazine choice)

2021.05 연구재단 온라인 논문투고시스템(JAMS)보급사업선정(Selected as a dissemination project for the Research Foundation’s online thesis submission system (JAMS))

2021.03 대학 캠퍼스혁신파크 조성 조사 연구(A Study on the Development of Innovation Park on University Campus)

2021.03 KISS 한국학술정보와 산업진흥연구 추가 공급 협약체결(KISS Korean Academic Information Industrial Promotion Research Additional Agreement signed)

2019.10 산업진흥연구지 연구재단 등재(후보)지 선정(Listed as Research Foundation(Candidate) magazine choice)

2018.08 리서치 뉴스 발행(Research News Publishing)

2017.11 식품의약품 안전처산하, 한국식품안전인증원, 연구( Research Institute for Food Safety, Food Safety Agency)

2017.09 중소벤처기업부산하, 장애인기업종합지원센터, 연구( Small Business Department, Research Institute for the Disabled)

2017.09 대전시광역시 산하, 대전테크노파크, 연구( Daejeon City, Techno Foundation Research)

2017.07 KISS 한국학술정보와 산업진흥연구 공급 협약체결( KISS Korean Academic Information Industrial Promotion Research Agreement signed)

2017.06 국립공주대학교 knu연구소와 업무 협약 체결(Concluded business agreement with KNU research institute of National Kongju National University)

2016.01 KISS 한국학술정보와 산업진흥연구 공급 협약체결( KISS Korean Academic Information Industrial Promotion Research Agreement signed)

2016.01 산업진흥연구지 발행 (한국과학기술정보원 DOI : 10.21186/ISSN: 2466-1139)( Publishing of Industrial Promotion Research Institute(DOI: 10.21186 / ISSN: 2466-1139)

2016.02 과학기술정보통신부 연구개발서비스업 등록( Registered as the research and development service business of the Ministry of the Future

2014.02 평생교육원설립(Estalishment of Lifelong education center by Industrial Promotion Institute)

2014.03 인터넷 뉴스 발행(Internet News Publishing)

2013.02 청소년경제지도사 양성과정 및 자격 등록(Youth economy instructor training course & qualification issue)

2012.04 경제역량성숙도(ELT) 국가등록자격( Economic Dynamics (ELT) National Qualifications)

2011.03 국책 연구과제 연구팀 신설운영( Establishment of research institute)

2010.08 국제품질인증원과 인증협력 협약 ( International Quality Standards Certification and Certification Partners)

2009.02 KICU 대학원 산학연구소와 연구협약 ( Research Agreement with KICU Graduate School of Industry)

2008.02 충남 중소기업지원센터 협약( Agreement with Chungnam Small Business Support Center)

2007.08 한국폴리텍대학 산학연구 협약(연구과제 진행( Korea Polytechnic University Academic Research Agreement (Progress))

2004.02 충남도 해외유명규격 및 품질시스템인증획득 기관 협약 ( Chungnam National Open Air Standards and Quality System Certification Institution)

2003.04 한서대학, 선문대학, 천안대학, 폴리텍대학 각 보육센터 협약 ( Hanseo University, Sun Moon University, Cheonan University, Politech graduate student)

2003.02 본사 이전(충남중소기업지원센터) 출판사설립(NSDN 2466-1139)( Moved head office (Chungnam Small Business Support Center) Established publishing company)

2003.02 중소기업청 해외유명규격획득지원기관 등록 ( Registered as an overseas monument support organization by the Small and Medium Business Administration)

2000.04 대전광역시청 별관 1층 산업진흥원 설립( Establishment of Industrial Promotion Institute on the first floor of Daejeon Metropolitan City Hall)

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